Monday, December 17, 2018

I dream of a world where love is the answer

 Mo Crow from Sydney Australia invited several artists from around the world the join her in a group project involving a used wedding dress and hand stitch.  Entitled "I dream of a world where love is the answer" the pennants have been arriving.  Click here for images and text.
Judy Martin made a minimalist response using red thread and the heart image - symbols both of protection and of love.  Judy is humbled and honoured to be included in this project that involves us and our hands to think about and hopefully mend 'our beautiful broken world'

Edited note January 4 2019 - it arrived in Australia and Mo wrote about it here.  xo


  1. (((Judy))) I love how you have taken the dream of a world where love is the answer deep into the heart of the matter

  2. I love the places where the line breaks ... and then keeps on going anyway

    1. a metaphor for how our heart continues beating...
