We will spend four hours together, once a month.
We will produce our own painted and dyed fabrics.
We will study contemporary quilt artists.
We will use journals and sketchbooks to find our personal voice.
We will bring our work to the group and receive feedback.
We will do hand work.
Tuesday during the day 11 am to 3 pm (bring snack)
Tuesday during the evening 5 pm to 9 pm (bring snack
Six sessions: September, October, November 2009
January, February, March 2010
The classes will take place in Judy’s studio above the Post Office in Little Current
Tentative outline for the first three months:
September 22
Introduction to wax batik with procion dye (single colour)
Introduction to reverse appliqué (single colour)
Canadian artist, Dorothy Caldwell
Overview of art quilting.
October 20
Block printing
Hand embroidery: Blanket stitch, stem stitch, running stitch
Canadian artist, Anna Torma
Using a design wall.
November 24
Metal techniques including gold leaf
Cloth books
Canadian artist, Joyce Wieland
Finding a personal voice.
Please bring the following to the first class:
A piece of your own creative work
A blank book or journal, pen or pencil.
Two different 12-inch squares of cloth for reverse appliqué
Needle and sewing thread to match.
The cost of $50.00 for each four-hour session includes materials.
Classes are limited to five participants each.
Hi Judy: I would like to take your day classes but Sept. 22 is too short notice. I already have an app. that day. Myra