Saturday, July 20, 2024

The Art Bank's Visual Echoes exhibition features On the Lake by Judy Martin


On the Lake by Judy Martin  (1989)   

photographs, thread, cotton, satin binding, 52 x 103 cm, 1989  Collection of the Canada Council Art Bank

Every year, students are invited to curate thematic displays for the Canada Council Art Bank.  This year's thematic display explores the world of visual patterns - from the mere repetition of motifs to the intricate manipulation and fragmentation of images, these works unveil hidden narratives and harmonies that shape our understanding of art and the world around us.  

Visual Echoes celebrates art's ability to transcend limitations, inviting viewers to contemplate the profound connections between repetition, perception and human experience.  Let's take a moment to look at some of the treasure troves of Visual Echoes that will transport you back to the pre-photoshop era of digital magic.  

Can you imagine stitching photographs together to form your ideal view of something?  Well, to visualize an open panorama of water and sky, Judy Martin patchworked a quilt of photographs and wove them together with threads of nostalgia.  

The above text is by Fara Abn, the graduate student from Carlton University who curated Visual Echoes.  It is written and also recorded and available on the online exhibition.  Martin's work was the first one of four highlighted pieces.    

The other three other featured pieces in the online version of Visual Echoes are:  Andrea Mortson's 365 small paintings of chandeliers 1998, John Massey's Black Eye (below) 1988-89 a collage of photographs, and Jane Kidd's vibrant tapestry, Falling Thoughts.  The exhibition includes several more rather prominent Canadian artists such as Michael Snow and Dyan Marie.  Please click on this link to experience the web - exhibition.  

The Canada Council Art Bank participated in Doors Open Ottawa with the Visual Echoes exhibition on June 1, 2024  from 10 am to 4 pm, at their 921 St Laurent Boulevard location in Ottawa, Ontario, Canada.  Read about it at this link.

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